R60, R140B

Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

The 1-Port VNAs (cable and antenna analyzers) perform lab quality measurements connecting directly to the DUT without the need for a test cable, resulting in increased accuracy and quality of VNA measurements, specifi cally in cable and antenna analysis. In 2016 we were granted a US patent for Measurement Module of Virtual Vector Network Analyzer number US 9,291,657 for this innovation.

Due to their measurement accuracy, ultra-compact size and elimination of a test cable Copper Mountain Technologies' cable and antenna analyzers (refl ectometers) provide a wide variety of analysis capabilities and are ideal for use by specialists working with antennas and antenna feeders in the fi eld, as well as laboratory and production testing in a wide variety of industries including design and production of various IoT hardware components, materials testing, medical devices, aerospace applications, etc.

Copper Mountain Technologies' USB VNAs are next generation analyzers designed to meet the needs of 21st Century engineers. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a processing module, a software application which runs on a Windows PC, laptop or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via its USB interface.

This innovative approach delivers high measurement accuracy and enables users to take advantage of faster processors, newer computers and larger displays. USB VNAs have a lower Total Cost of Ownership and fewer potential failure points.

These instruments are smaller and lighter, can go almost anywhere, are very easy to share and eliminate the need for data purging or hard drive removal in secure environments.

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring VNAs; features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC. States may be saved in RVNA directories by default and the two buttons on the top left of the RVNA screen can be used to save an unlimited amount of states to any directory on your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, cable loss

Number of measurement channels

Up to 4 independent logical channels. Each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defi ned by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, etc.

Data traces

Multiple data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one parameter of the DUT such as magnitude and phase of S11, time domain, cable loss.

Memory traces

Each of the multiple data traces can be saved into memory for further comparison with current values.

Data display formats

SWR, Return loss, Cable loss, Phase, Expand phase, Smith chart diagram, polar diagram, Group delay, Lin Magnitude

Measurement Range

Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

CMT 1-Port VNAs can measure return loss as low as 35 dB, across the full frequency range of each instrument. Consult the specifi cations of each instrument for more detail.

Pictured right: R60 testing in the entire frequency range of 85 MHz to 6 GHz, the return loss is shown at 35 dB

Dynamic Range

Typical dynamic range using two or more 1-Port VNAs is as high as 100 dB, depending on frequency and model. Consult the specifi cations of each instrument for more information.

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep, logarithmic frequency sweep, and segment frequency sweep.

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to at least 100,001 (varies by model; consult the specifi cations of each instrument for more detail).

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defi ned segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points and IF bandwidth should be set for each segment.

Output Power

Output power of every 1-Port VNA is adjustable. Typical output power and adjustment steps vary by model. Consult the specifi cations of each instrument for more detail.

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data.

S-parameters display

The program allows the user to load a Touchstone fi le (*.s1p and *.s2p) into data memory.


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in test setup. Compensation for electrical delay in a DUT during measurements of deviation from linear phase.

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
R60 R140B
Frequency Range 1 MHz - 6 GHz 85 MHz - 14 GHz
Measured Parameters S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment
Effective Directivity 46 dB (1 MHz - 6 GHz)

45 dB (85 MHz - 4.8 GHz)

42 dB (4.8 GHz - 14 GHz)

Measurement Time Per Point 100 μs 170 μs
Measurement Point Per Sweep up to 100,001 up to 100,001


Options Descriptions
R60 1-Port 6 GHz Analyzer
R140B 1-Port 14 GHz Analyzer

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

M50xx, M5180

Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer

M Series VNAs deliver metrology-grade performance in a more economical package that excludes a number of advanced features: Vector Mixer Calibration, TRL Calibration, Frequency Offset, Time Domain, and Gating. These Vector Network Analyzers are small, can be powered by battery, and are ideal for use in laboratory and production testing in a variety of applications including filter tuning, antenna test and characterization, amplifier testing, etc.

Copper Mountain Technologies' USB VNAs are next generation analyzers designed to meet the needs of 21st Century engineers. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a processing module, a software application which runs on a Windows or Linux PC, laptop, or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface.

This innovative approach delivers high measurement accuracy and enables users to take advantage of faster processors, newer computers and larger displays. USB VNAs have lower Total Cost of Ownership and fewer potential failure points. These instruments are smaller and lighter, can go almost anywhere, are very easy to share and eliminate the need for data purging or hard drive removal in secure environments

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies M Series Software Application

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring VNAs; features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22

All models also measure absolute power of the reference and received signals at the port.

Number of measurement channels

Up to 16 independent logical channels: each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defined by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, or power level.

Data traces

Up to 16 data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one of such parameters of the DUT as S-parameters, response in time domain, or input power response.

Memory traces

Each of the 16 data traces can be saved into memory for further comparison with the current values.

Data display formats

Logarithmic magnitude, linear magnitude, phase, expanded phase, group delay, SWR, real part, imaginary part, Smith chart diagram and polar diagram display formats are available.

Dynamic Range

Typical dynamic range of 130 dB is achieved from 300 kHz through the top of the frequency range (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth). Seen here is the maximum dynamic range achieved when using 10 Hz IFBW and an output power of +5 dBm.

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies M Series Sweep Features

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep and logarithmic frequency sweep are performed with fixed output power. Linear power sweep is a fixed frequency.

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to 200,001.

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defined segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points, source power, and IF bandwidth can be set for each segment.

Output Power

Source power from -55 dBm to +5 dBm* with a resolution of 0.05 dB. In frequency sweep mode power slope can be set up to 2 dB/GHz to compensate for high frequency attentuation in fixture cables.

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, manual, external, bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies M Series Trace Functions

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data.


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in the test setup, or for compensation of electrical delay in the device under test (DUT) during measurements phase deviation.

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
M5045 M5065 M5090 M5180
Frequency Range 300 kHz to 4.5 GHz 300 kHz to 6.5 GHz 300 kHz to 9 GHz 300 kHz to 18 GHz
Measured Parameters S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22
Sweep Types Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic Range 130 dB, typ. 130 dB, typ. 130 dB, typ. 135 dB, typ.
Measurement Speed 70 µs 70 µs 70 µs 30 µs
Output Power Adjustment Range -55 dBm to +5 dBm -55 dBm to +5 dBm -55 dBm to +5 dBm -40 dBm to +10 dBm
Measurement Point Per Sweep up to 200,001 up to 200,001 up to 200,001 up to 200,001


Options Descriptions
M5045 2-Port 4.5 GHz Analyzer
M5065 2-Port 6.5 GHz Analyzer
M5090 2-Port 8.5 GHz Analyzer
M5180 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

S5180B, S5243, S7530 (replaced by SC7540)

Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR
Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR
Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR
Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR

Our Compact Series VNAs deliver lab grade performance in a compact package, with all the features engineers have come to expect included: time domain and gating conversion, segmented frequency sweeps, linear/logarithmic sweeps, power sweeps, multiple trace formats, 16 channels max. with up to 16 traces each, marker math, and limit tests.

Versatile and portable Copper Mountain Technologies' Compact analyzers can be powered by battery and are ideal for use by specialists working in the field, as well as laboratory and production testing in a wide variety of industries including design and production of RF components, cable CPEs, medical devices, aerospace, etc.

Copper Mountain Technologies' USB VNAs are next generation analyzers designed to meet the needs of 21st Century engineers. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a processing module, a software application which runs on a Windows or Linux PC, laptop, or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface.

This innovative approach delivers high measurement accuracy and enables users to take advantage of faster processors, newer computers and larger displays. USB VNAs have lower Total Cost of Ownership and fewer potential failure points.

These instruments are smaller and lighter, can go almost anywhere, are very easy to share and eliminate the need for data purging or hard drive removal in secure environments.

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring the VNAs' features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22. All models also measure absolute power of the reference and received signals at the port.

Number of measurement channels

Up to 16 independent logical channels: each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defined by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, or power level.

Data traces

Up to 16 data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one of such parameters of the DUT as S-parameters, response in time domain, or input power response.

Dynamic Range

Typical dynamic range of 125 dB is achieved from 300 kHz through the top of the frequency range (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth). Seen here is the maximum dynamic range achieved when using IFBW 1 Hz and an output power level of 5 dBm.

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep and logarithmic frequency sweep are performed with fixed output power. Linear power sweep is a fixed frequency.

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to 200,001 or 500,001, depending on the model.

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defined segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points, source power, and IF bandwidth can be set for each segment.

Output Power

Source power from -50 dBm to +5 dBm* with a resolution of 0.05 dB. In frequency sweep mode power slope can be set up to 2 dB/GHz to compensate for high frequency attentuation in fixture cables

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, manual, external bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in the test setup, or for compensation of electrical delay in the device under test (DUT) during measurements phase deviation.

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
S5180B S5243 S7530 (replaced by SC7540)
Frequency Range 100 kHz to 18 GHz 10 MHz to 44 GHz 20 kHz to 3 GHz
Measured Parameters S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic Range >130 dB typ. (10- Hz IF BW) >135 dB typ. (10 Hz IF BW) 120 dB typ. (10 Hz IF BW)
Measurement Speed 24 μs typ. 22 μs 250 μs
Output Power Adjustment Range -45 dBm to +10 dBm -50 dBm to 0 dBm -50 dBm to +5 dBm
Measurement Point Per Sweep up to 200,001 up to 500,001 up to 200,001


Options Descriptions
S5180B 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer
S5243 2-Port 44 GHz Analyzer
S7530 (replaced by SC7540) 2-Port 75 Ohm 3.0 GHz Analyzer

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

SC50xx, SC75xx

Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer

Our SC Series Compact VNAs deliver a small lab grade VNA with higher speed, more dynamic range, and higher output power, with all the features engineers have come to expect included: time domain and gating conversion, segmented frequency sweeps, linear/logarithmic sweeps, power sweeps, multiple trace formats, 16 channels max. with up to 16 traces each, marker math, and limit tests.

Versatile and portable Copper Mountain Technologies' SC Series analyzers can be powered by battery and are ideal for use by specialists working in the field, as well as laboratory and production testing in a wide variety of industries including design and production of RF components, cable CPEs, medical devices, aerospace, etc.

Copper Mountain Technologies' USB VNAs are next generation analyzers designed to meet the needs of 21st Century engineers. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a processing module, a software application which runs on a Windows or Linux PC, laptop, or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface.

This innovative approach delivers high measurement accuracy and enables users to take advantage of faster processors, newer computers and larger displays. USB VNAs have lower Total Cost of Ownership and fewer potential failure points.

These instruments are smaller and lighter, can go almost anywhere, are very easy to share and eliminate the need for data purging or hard drive removal in secure environments

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring VNAs' features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22. All models also measure absolute power of the reference and received signals at the port.

Number of measurement channels

Up to 16 independent logical channels: each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defined by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, or power level.

Data traces

Up to 16 data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one of such parameters of the DUT as S-parameters, response in time domain, or input power response.

Memory traces

Each of the 16 data traces can be saved into memory for further comparison with the current values.

Data display formats

Logarithmic magnitude, linear magnitude, phase, expanded phase, group delay, SWR, real part, imaginary part, Smith chart diagram and polar diagram display formats are available.

Dynamic Range

Typical dynamic range of 140 dB is achieved from 5 MHz to 6.5 GHz (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth).

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep and logarithmic frequency sweep are performed with fixed output power. Linear power sweep is a fixed frequency.

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to 500,001.

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defined segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points, source power, and IF bandwidth can be set for each segment.

Output Power

Source power from -45 dBm to +15 dBm with a resolution of 0.05 dB. In frequency sweep mode power slope can be set up to 2 dB/GHz to compensate for high frequency attentuation in fixture cables.

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, manual, external, bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in the test setup, or for compensation of electrical delay in the device under test (DUT) during measurements phase deviation

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
SC5065 SC5090 SC7540
Frequency Range 300 kHz - 6.5 GHz 300 kHz - 9 GHz 100 kHz - 4 GHz
Measured Parameters S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22 S11, S21, S12, S22
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic Range 140 dB typ. (10 Hz IF BW) 140 dB typ. (10 Hz IF BW) 133 dB typ. (10 Hz IF BW)
Measurement Speed 16 μs 16 μs 24 μs
Output Power Adjustment Range -45 dBm to +15dBm -45 dBm to +15dBm -50 dBm to +10dBm
Measurement Point Per Sweep up to 500,001 up to 500,001 up to 200,001


Options Descriptions
SC5065 2-Port 6.5 GHz Analyzer
SC5090 2-Port 9 GHz Analyzer
SC7540 2-Port 75 Ohm 4.0 GHz Analyzer

Checking with Copper Mountain Technologies...    


Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.


Copper Mountain Technologies Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer

SN09xx Multiport VNA is a competitively priced, versatile multiport solution with excellent dynamic range and measurement speed. There are additional models available in 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, and 16-port configurations.

SN09xx VNAs are an organic extension of the Compact VNA family, enabling the full complexity of VNA measurements, a streamlined calibration process, and reduced test times. The SN09xx hardware can fit a 19" rack and utilizes robust, durable port connectors with ergonomic positioning for simplified cable connection. SN09xx features CMT's next-generation software that delivers an intuitive and contemporary user interface compatible with both Linux and Windows OS.

VNAs are delivered with factory calibration certificates containing no data. The add-on option for ISO17025/Z540-1 Accredited, Traceable Calibration Certificate and Uncertainties is available and needs to be specified at time of order.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Frequency Range 300 kHz - 9 GHz
Measured Parameters All S-parameter
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic range 140 dB typ (10 Hz IFBW)
Measurement Time Per Point 24 μs per point, min typ
Measurement Point Per Sweep 2 to  500,001
Output power adjustment range -45 dBm to +10 dBm


Options Descriptions
SN0906 6 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz
SN0908 8 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz
SN0910 10 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz
SN0912 12 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz
SN0914 14 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz
SN0916 16 ports 300 kHz to 9 GHz

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Cobalt Series

Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer

The Cobalt 9 GHz Product Series of high-performance vector network analyzers offers an unmatched price-performance combination for S-parameter measurement between 100 kHz and 9 GHz and incorporates multiple technological innovations.

Advanced electromagnetic modeling was used to optimize the 9 GHz Cobalt's ultra-wideband directional coupler design. Because we incorporated new production methods for precision, these directional couplers have extraordinary stability, both over temperature and over very long intervals of time. Cobalt's hybrid dual-core DSP+FPGA signal processing engine, combined with new frequency synthesizer technologies, propel Cobalt's measurement speed to among the most advanced instruments in the industry, and well past the achievements of any cost-competitive products.

Copper Mountain Technologies' USB VNAs are next generation analyzers designed to meet the needs of 21st Century engineers. Our VNAs include an RF measurement module and a processing module, a software application which runs on a Windows or Linux PC, laptop, or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface.

This innovative approach delivers high measurement accuracy and enables users to take advantage of faster processors, newer computers and larger displays. USB VNAs have lower Total Cost of Ownership and fewer potential failure points.

These instruments are smaller and lighter, can go almost anywhere, are very easy to share and eliminate the need for data purging or hard drive removal in secure environments.

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring the VNAs' features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22 for the 2-port models and S11...

S44 for the 4-port models, and absolute power of reference and received signals at the port.

Number of measurement channels

Up to 16 independent logical channels: each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defi ned by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, or power level.

Data traces

Up to 16 data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one of the DUT parameters, including S-parameters, response in time domain, or input power response.

Memory traces

Each of the 16 data traces can be saved into memory for further comparison with the current values.

Data display formats

Logarithmic magnitude, linear magnitude, phase, expanded phase, group delay, SWR, real part, imaginary part, Smith chart diagram and polar diagram display formats are available

Dynamic Range

Cobalt's combination of a wide dynamic range and high measurement speed make it an ideal VNA for measuring and tuning high performance fi lters.

BTS Filter Tuning

Cobalt VNAs have more than 152 dB dynamic range at 10 Hz IFBW, which allows them to maintain a wide measurement range at high measurement speeds. Measurement of all S-parameters of a BTS fi lter with full two-port and 801 measurement points with 1 MHz IFBW takes only 17.5ms while maintaining a measurement range of over 100 dB. This time is almost completely determined by the IFBW of the VNA. This measurement speed allows for real time tuning of high isolation BTS fi lters.

SAW Filters

Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer

The 152 dB dynamic range of Cobalt VNAs combined with high measurement speed per point allows measurement of SAW fi lters' S-parameters with full 2-port calibration and 1601 measurement points in less than 32 ms while still maintaining more than 100 dB measurement range (IFBW at 1 MHz). This measurement speed corresponds to the performance of the most advanced handlers used for automatic verifi cation of mass-produced SAW fi lters

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep and logarithmic frequency sweep are performed with fixed output power. Linear power sweep is a fixed frequency

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to at least 500,001.

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defined segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points, source power, and IF bandwidth can be set for each segment.

Output Power

Source power from -60 dBm to +15 dBm with a resolution of 0.05 dB. In frequency sweep mode power slope can be set up to 2 dB/GHz to compensate for high frequency attentuation in fi xture cables.

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, manual, external, bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data.


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in the test setup, or for compensation of electrical delay in the device under test (DUT) during measurements phase deviation.

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Cobalt Series: 9 GHz Cobalt Series: 20 GHz
Frequency Range 100kHz - 9 GHz 100kHz - 20 GHz
Wide output power range -60 dBm to +15 dBm -60 dBm to +10 dBm
Dynamic range 152 dB (10 Hz IF bandwidth) typ. 135 dB (10 Hz IF bandwidth) typ.
Measurement time per point 10 µs per point, min typ. 12 µs per point, min typ.
  • 16 logical channels with 16 traces each max.
  • Automation programming in LabVIEW, Python, MATLAB, .NET, etc.
  • 2- and 4-port models with Direct Receiver Accessand Frequency Extension as available options
  • Time domain and gating conversion included• Fixture simulation
  • Frequency offset mode, including vector mixer calibration measurements
  • Up to 500,001 measurement points
  • Multiple precision calibration methods and automatic calibration


Options Descriptions
C1209 2-Port 9 GHz Analyzer
C2209 2-Port 9 GHz Analyzer, Direct Receiver Access
C4209 2-Port 9 GHz Analyzer, Frequency Extension Compatible
C1409 4-Port 9 GHz Analyzer
C2409 4-Port 9 GHz Analyzer, Direct Receiver Access
C4409 4-Port 9 GHz Analyzer, Frequency Extension Compatible
C1220 2-Port 20 GHz Analyzer
C1420 4-Port 20 GHz Analyzer
C2220 2-Port 20 GHz Analyzer, Direct Receiver Access
C4220 2-Port 20 GHz Analyzer, Frequency Extension Compatible
C2420 4-Port 20 GHz Analyzer, Direct Receiver Access
C4420 4-Port 20 GHz Analyzer, Frequency Extension Compatible

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.

TR1300/1 2-Port

Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer

The TR1300/1 Vector Network Analyzer delivers lab grade performance in a compact package, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.

This portable 1.5 kg/53 oz. vector network analyzer can be battery powered and used in the field, in the laboratory, and in production testing. The VNA can be integrated into a production test system via Manufacturing Test plug-in.

TR1300/1 VNA includes an RF measurement module and TR software application which runs on Windows or Linux operating system on a PC, laptop, tablet, or x86 board computer connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. TR software can be installed on multiple computers, making it easy to share the use of the analyzer measurement module.

VNAs and ACMs are delivered with factory calibration certificates containing no data. The add-on option for ISO17025/Z540-1 Accredited, Traceable Calibration Certificate and Uncertainties is available and needs to be specified at time of order.

Software application is part of the VNA

Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer

The software application takes raw measurement data from the data acquisition (measurement) module and recalculates into S-parameters in multiple presentation formats utilizing proprietary algorithms. These new and advanced calibration and other accuracy enhancing algorithms were developed by our metrology experts. Our software can be downloaded free from our website, used on an unlimited number of PCs using either Linux or Windows operating systems, and enables easy VNA integration with other software applications and automation.

The software application features a fully functioning Demo Mode, which can be used for exploring VNAs; features and capabilities without an actual measurement module connected to your PC.

Measurement Capabilities

Measured parameters

S11, S21,

All models also measure absolute power of the reference and received signals at the port.

Number of measurement channels

Up to 9 independent logical channels: each logical channel is represented on the screen as an individual channel window. A logical channel is defined by such stimulus signal settings as frequency range, number of test points, or power level.

Data traces

Up to 8 data traces can be displayed in each channel window. A data trace represents one of such parameters of the DUT as S-parameters, response in time domain, or input power response.

Memory traces

Each of the 8 data traces can be saved into memory for further comparison with the current values.

Data display formats

Logarithmic magnitude, linear magnitude, phase, expanded phase, group delay, SWR, real part, imaginary part, Smith chart diagram and polar diagram display formats are available.

Dynamic Range

Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer

Typical dynamic range of 135 dB typ. is achieved from 300 kHz through the top of the frequency range (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth). Seen here is the maximum dynamic range achieved when using IFBW 10 Hz and an output power level of 3 dBm.

Sweep Features

Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer

Sweep type

Linear frequency sweep and logarithmic frequency sweep are performed with fixed output power. Linear power sweep is a fixed frequency.

Measured points per sweep

Set by the user from 2 to 16,001.

Segment sweep features

A frequency sweep within several independent user-defined segments. Frequency range, number of sweep points, source power, and IF bandwidth can be set for each segment.

Output Power

Source power from -55 dBm to +3 dBm with a resolution of 0.05 dB. In frequency sweep mode power slope can be set up to 2dB/GHz to compensate for high frequency attentuation in fixture cables.

Sweep Trigger

Trigger modes: continuous, single, or hold.

Trigger sources: internal, manual, external, bus.

Trace Functions

Copper Mountain Technologies TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer

Trace display

Data trace, memory trace, or simultaneous indication of data and memory traces.

Trace math

Data trace modification by math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of measured complex values and memory data.


Automatic selection of scale division and reference level value to have the trace most effectively displayed.

Electrical delay

Calibration plane moving to compensate for the delay in the test setup, or for compensation of electrical delay in the device under test (DUT) during measurements phase deviation.

Phase offset

Defined in degrees.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Frequency Range 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz
Measured Parameters S11, S21
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic range 130 dB typ (10 Hz IFBW)
Measurement Speed 150 μs
Measurement Point Per Sweep up to 16,001
Output power adjustment range -55 dBm to +3 dBm


Options Descriptions
TR1300/1 2-Port 1.3 GHz Analyzer

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Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.


Copper Mountain Technologies PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer
Copper Mountain Technologies PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer

The PXIe-S5090 delivers metrology-grade VNA performance and speed to National Instruments' PXI system. This high-performance vector network analyzer allows testing of two-port devices from the bench to the production floor in a compact, modular form factor. With 138 dB dynamic range and +13 dBm maximum power, this VNA is engineered for short time to first measurement and also for high performance automation with fast test times. Premium features including Time-Domain Measurements and Gating are included in standard software. This PXI VNA is available exclusively from National Instruments.

VNAs and Automatic Calibration Modules (ACMs) are delivered with factory calibration certificates containing no data. The add-on option for ISO17025/Z540-1 Accredited, Traceable Calibration Certificate and Uncertainties is available and needs to be specified at time of order.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Frequency Range 300 kHz - 9 GHz
Measured Parameters S11, S21, S12, S22
Sweep Types Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
Dynamic range 140 dB typ (10 Hz IFBW)
Measurement Speed 16 μs
Measurement Point Per Sweep 500,001
Output power adjustment range -45 dBm to +13 dBm


Options Descriptions
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Analyzer

Checking with Copper Mountain Technologies...    


Model Number Frequency Range Measured Parameters Sweep Types Measurement Time Per Point Measurement Point Per Sweep
1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 1 MHz - 14 GHz S11 as Log Magnitude, DTF, Smith and more Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment 100 µs - 170 µs up to 100,001
M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer M Series 2-port Economy Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 18 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR S Series 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with TDR 9 kHz to 44 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 200,001
SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer SC Series 2-port Lab GradeVector Network Analyzer 100 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 500,001
Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer Multi-port Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz All S-parameter Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep 24 µs per point, min typ 2 to 500,001
Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer Cobalt Series 2 and 4-port Vector Network Analyzer 100kHz - 20 GHz - - 10 µs per point, min typ. -
TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer TR Series Compact Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 1.3 GHz S11, S21 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - up to 16,001
PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer PXIe-S5090 2-Port 9 GHz Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz - 9 GHz S11, S21, S12, S22 Linear Frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep - 500,001

Note: All trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.